According to information from the 2022 Statistical Yearbook, which has just been released by the General Statistics Office, the country with the highest spending tourists visiting Vietnam is not the US or the European group.
From March 2022, Vietnam officially opened to tourism after a period of “temporary closure” due to the pandemic, thereby creating favorable conditions for international tourists to return.
However, due to the impact of Covid-19, the total number of international visitors to Vietnam in 2022 will only reach about 3.6 million. While in 2019 before the pandemic, foreign visitors reached 18 million.

And recently, the General Statistics Office has just released the 2022 statistical yearbook with data related to all professions and fields in society. In particular, many figures related to the tourism industry are surprising.
Notably, the tourists who spend the most when traveling to Vietnam are not from the US, Europe, or “rich” countries in Asia, but tourists from the Philippines.
Specifically, visitors from this Southeast Asian country doubled the cost of traveling to Vietnam, from $1,124 (in 2017) to $2,257 (in 2019).
Meanwhile, according to a source from the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, in June 2023, Vietnam welcomed 975,010 international visitors, an increase of 6.4% compared to May 2023. In particular, the Philippines is also one of the markets with an increase in the number of visitors compared to the same period last month (up 10%).

(Photo: Vietnamtourism).
In the list of high-spending countries, Belgian tourists ranked second, spending an average of $1,995; American tourists ($1,709); Australian tourists ($1,416); Danish tourists ($1,383); Norwegian tourists ($1,346); Dutch tourists ($1,317); Canadian tourists ($1,315); British tourists ($1,212); German tourists ($1,283).
In the opposite direction, in the list of statistics, Laos tourists belong to the group of “least spenders” with an average of about 343 USD/person. This list also includes Japanese tourists (972 USD); Malaysia ($900); China (884 USD); Thailand (846 USD); South Korea (838 USD).
The statistics table also details the spending items of tourists during their stay in Vietnam, including room rent, meals, transportation, sightseeing, shopping, medical services and some expenses. other fees.
In which, the average room rent is about 347 USD (in 2019), lower than the average in 2017 is 360 USD; food expenses in 2019 was 251 USD compared to 2017 was 263 USD; travel expenses in 2019 are 184 USD compared to 2017 is 179 USD; the cost of visiting in 2019 is 103 USD compared to 2017 is 99 USD; procurement of goods in 2019 is 142 USD compared to 2017 is 135 USD; medical services in 2019 is 13 USD compared to 2017 is 10 USD.

In 2023, Vietnam aims to welcome 8 million international visitors. According to data from the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, in the first six months of this year, our country has now welcomed about 5.6 million foreign visitors.
In which, the largest foreign tourist markets include Korea, China, Taiwan (China), the US, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand and Australia.
Korea is still the market that brings international tourists to Vietnam the most. In June 2023, Korean visitors increased by 15% over the same period last month, equaling nearly 90% compared to 2019 – the time before the Covid-19 pandemic. If counting the first 6 months of the year, the number of visitors from this country to Vietnam also ranks first, reaching 1.6 million.
Currently, international visitors to Vietnam are mainly by air, accounting for 86%; followed by road (more than 13%).